Installation patterns
Scheucher offers you numerous, breathtaking installation patterns to achieve extraordinary floor effects. Discover our selection online and get advice by one of our showroom partners.
Patterns make life
colorful and real.
Different installation patterns have a very special effect on your rooms and bring a unique flair to your home. The choice of the right parquet floor and the desired pattern should be well thought out - so always take all relevant factors into account: How big are my rooms? What are these used for? Will my insallation pattern and the selected dimension come into its own in my room? Should my home appear lively or rather calm and reserved?
Whether big, small, open or cozy full of nooks and crannies: Whatever your home looks like, Scheucher parquet has the right products for your requirement.
In addition to classics such as 1-strip planks and 3-strips, strip parquet is even more versatile: Various installation patterns such as herringbone, Chevron flooring, cube and many more are easily possible with our different parquet collections.
Choices love the spectrum.
Spirited selection.
Calming variety.