High-quality parquet flooring made in Austria

Scheucher unites the craftsman's passion for perfection with innovative thinking and acts in harmony with nature. These aspects help to create our elegant, multi-faceted parquet flooring that delights people throughout the world -  from Europe and North America to Russia and Asia. The electricity required comes from our own photovoltaic system.

In the beginning was the idea.

An idea grows like a seed, striking roots and growing into a mature tree.

For many years now, Scheucher, a family-run company with a long tradition and its headquarters in heavily-forested Styria in Austria, has been producing elegant parquet flooring for people throughout the world. With our team and our dependable partners we are in a position to look back at the success it has achieved. At the same time, it is also clear that a very promising and auspicious future lies ahead.



Every idea needs the right place to grow.

Finding the right location requires a forward-thinking spirit.

Over the past 100 years, the company that was set up as a sawmill in 1920 has matured and developed into a global company. From that time until today, the history of our company has been a very eventful one and one that has been marked by continuous growth and a great many successful ideas.
Today, Scheucher creates multi-faceted parquet flooring for every taste and for all requirements of modern construction processes, ensuring the best possible use of resources and using absolutely environmentally friendly methods.

As Karl Scheucher himself recalls, “I was always milling about in the workshop,even as a small boy – I grew up with the aroma of wood in my nostrils and fell in love with wood from a very early age.” In the 1970s and 1980s, the company continued its expansion under the leadership of Karl Scheucher senior, and in 1985, under the leadership of Karl Scheucher himself, commenced the production of solid wood panels. The production of multi-layered parquet flooring then followed from 1996 onwards.

102 years of tradition. 4 generations of passion.


  • 1920    Typical Styrian sawmill founded at Zehensdorf.
  • 70ies   First large-scale technical modernisation by installation of planing mill.
  • 80ies   Concentration on solid hardwood panels (edge glued finger jointed and 3-ply panels)
  • 1993    Extending the capacity of solid wood panel production. Extension of product range.
  • 1995    Production launch of solid hardwood floors and 3-ply pre-finished wood floors.
  • 2000    Doubling the production of engineered hardwood floors capacity: 1 million m², Establishment of a logistics centre
  • 2002    Production launch of: NOVOLOC
  • 2003    Launch of BILAflor® 500 and BILAflor® 1000 product lines.
  • 2005    Starting new production of BILAflor® 1500 and BILAflor® 1200, New head office with new, large exhibition and seminar room
  • 2006    Market launch of Steirer Parkett Sport
  • 2008    Opening logistics center, market launch of Impression
  • 2009    New Corporate Design
  • 2012    Innovation stairbox
  • 2013    New corporate apperance: Scheucher Parkett
  • 2014    Launch of the new parquet collection Elevation 
  • 2015    Innovation “RELOC”, Expansion of our logistics center
  • 2016    Expansion of range Elevation, Launch of MULTIflor NOVOLOC® 5G, Innovation within Chevron flooring
  • 2017    High investment in the expansion of our parquet production
  • 2018    Green power for our parquet production: setup of Austrias largest photovoltaic roof system
  • 2019    Launch of MULTIflor 700
  • 2020    100th company anniversary 
  • 2022    Launch of PUROtec 
  • 2024    Handover of the management to Karl Scheucher Junior

...on which Scheucher is still growing today.

Scheucher specializes in the production of fine parquet flooring creations, and it‘s products are in worldwide demand:
High-quality wooden floors personify the cultivated flair of international hotel projects. They beautify elegant suites and lofts, restaurants and bars. And they give business and congress architecture an exquisite atmosphere.

The brand Scheucher is a promise of quality and, despite the increasing internationalization in the customer structure, characterized by an unbroken loyalty to its prodction site in Austria: From our product development to production and sales, all steps of the value chain are implemented in our hometown Mettersdorf, in the  forested Styria. 250 employees, mainly from the region, are the specialists for precision and quality behind a sophisticated machine park in one of the most modern prefabricated parquet manufactories in Europe and constantly ensure the highest quality products.

In a world without borders, innumerable projects await their realization. New living spaces strive for solid foundations. Fundamentally natural. Scheucher parquet flooring.

Scheucher stands for:

+ Premium workmanship

+ Highest Quality - made for generations
..not just only because we have one of the most modern parquet factories and machineries within Europe but also thanks to our dependable and highly conscientious staff, who put their very hearts into their work.

+ Contemporary design
By working with interior designers, designers and the furniture industry, our range is constantly adapted to the latest trends, but also leaves a broad scope for some timeless classics.

+ Unique innovations 
Thanks to our own research and development department,  we are able to quickly react to as well as set new trends, e.g.  we had  the world’s first answer to the problem of the tediously installation of Chevron flooring and  managed to combine its elegant look  with the advantages of the most recent product- and installation-technologies. 

+ A full range of options and innovative construction types
Enjoy the wide range of wood types, natural colors, surface structures and finishes, dimensions and installations patterns. Different and innovative construction types of our various parquet collections are optimally tailored to the requirements of modern construction processes.

+ An outstanding technical know-how

+ Professional service and consulting


Find out more about our quality!

Sometimes, you simply stop and look up in amazement at a statuesque tree, with its thick trunk and extensive canopy of foliage.
Myself, I get a similar feeling when I look at Scheucher, the company we have built.

- Karl Scheucher

Inspired by the forest.

In the forest, nothing at all happens without a reason – a perfect eco-system, in which every animal and every plant has its place. In that way, the forest is capable of adapting to any changes in conditions. As a company, Scheucher aims to emulate the forest in this regard and sets out to secure the future of its business for generations to come.

Discover the quality and sustainability that lies behind our natural parquet floors:

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